Personal Organization 101
Do you feel disorganized? Overwhelmed? Lost? Drowned in a mess? Do you regularly forget tasks? Do you miss your deadlines? Do you lose your files? If any of those ring a bell, then you may need to read this!
Do you feel disorganized? Overwhelmed? Lost? Drowned in a mess? Do you regularly forget tasks? Do you miss your deadlines? Do you lose your files? If any of those ring a bell, then you may need to read this!
As you learn and grow, you'll accumulate more and more knowledge. While each piece is important, the relationships between ideas is, at least, as important as the ideas themselves.
Attention is a prized currency. Basically, every company around you is trying to grab your attention to get a return on investment. What does it mean for lifelong learners and knowledge workers? What are the pitfalls to avoid and ways to leverage that to learn better and be more productive?
Knowledge and time are closely related. What is the relationship between those and what does it imply for lifelong learners and knowledge management? Let's find out!
Writing is an essential skill to develop if you want to reach “the next level” in your Knowledge Work career. Here's why.
We should all apply the KISS principle to everything in our lives
Knowledge work is everywhere, and information keeps getting more and more overwhelming. The Knowledge Worker Kit and its private community are here to help!
Learning just in time and just in case are both useful. But there's a balance to be found, and strategic thinking to apply. Be mindful of what, why and how you learn.
One goal per day is all you need. Transform your productivity, and focus.
Conversational AIs are here to stay. Learn how to use those to remain relevant
Free your mind from all those details. Learn how to manage the things that are on your mind.
Close those tabs to regain mental resources and be more productive